This professor is going to push me to my breaking point. I am a person who graduated Magna Cum Laude in Sociology in 2011. I made five B’s the entirety of my college career. I made a 97% average in my technical training in the military that had a 1/3 failure rate. I am highly intelligent and enjoy doing well in school. What I don’t like is people who suck as professors, thereby thwarting my ability to do well in school.

I’m not talking about someone who simply has higher expectations for giving students an A, thereby making people strive to achieve more in their classrooms. I’m not talking about someone who has stringent rules, that is very clear about what those rules and regulations are regarding what they expect of their students. The professor I am talking about routinely gives low 80’s for thorough work that is properly cited and gives absolutely no feedback on how to improve those grades. She doesn’t answer emails in a timely manner and then says she won’t take submissions late (or allow for resubmissions) when she is the one at fault for not answering her emails before the cut-off date and then grades you down because she didn’t answer your question so you could fix the assignment before the cut-off.

This professor is pissing me off so much that I am considering taking the financial hit to drop the course halfway through the semester. But, I really can’t fucking afford that shit so I’m going to have to take the shitty grade, hope to god this woman doesn’t end up failing me because of her dumbass bullshit..because if I get failed I have to pay the Air Force back in full for the cost of the course anyhow.

I’m so angry right now I can barely speak. My son keeps yelling in his bedroom and I can’t help but snap at him because this professor has pissed me off so much. I really can’t even face going into the class and handling the assignments right now that are due because of the fact that I am so angry. It should not be fucking triggering to simply enter a god forsaken online classroom.

It should not be so angering that I have to sit here and type out a blog about how shitty this professor is. It should not be so fucked up that I have to worry about failing a class that I do all the work for it that I am supposed to in full. The professor doesn’t understand the online format: She requires multiple submissions for the same item (that can be graded from where it is initially posted) and if one submission is missing you get a zero for the assignment. She grades down everyone. She doesn’t get back to students in a timely manner. She doesn’t give feedback so you can improve your grade, she doesn’t give grades back in a reasonable timeframe so you are already submitting the next week’s work before you know what you got for the previous week…which would matter more if she gave any kind of feedback on how to improve.

I’m so angry right now and I still have work to do in her class for this week. Next week is midterms and I’m so not looking forward to that bullshit.